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The MustardSeed congregation gather each Sunday morning 9:30am at the stone church on the corner of Quarry Street and Bulwara Road in Ultimo. There is a café style seating and we sing, pray, hear from the scriptures, talk together and eat cake with our cuppa.


The church and hall are available for weddings and other events. Please contact David for further information about getting married at The MustardSeed - or hosting other events.

Sunday School


We currently have a small group of primary age children who get invloved in craft activities and godly play stories for part of the Sunday morning service time.

Early morning prayers


Each Thursday morning at 8:00am a small group of faithful members gather to pray for the community and the world.


We spend some time talking as we settle and then voice our thanks and our concerns to God in prayer.


This is an oasis of listening and articulating deep things.


Please contact David if you have a heart for prayer and are interested to join us.

© 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024 MustardSeed Ultimo Uniting Church in Australia - Updated 8 February 2021

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